Monday, November 6, 2017

Welcome to Mrs. Lane's Blizzard Bag Page!

Good Morning! I hope that you are cozy and warm at home today! Enjoy working through your assignments, can't wait to hear what you have learned and enjoyed from this experience! 

I will be available through email and online from 8:00-9:00 AM and will be back online from 12:30-2:30 PM. Please feel free to contact me through  my email address: if you need help or have any questions.

Blue Drop Snowflake Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures
Blizzard Bag Bingo Day 1 and Day 2
Grade 4

Directions: Choose 9 activities to complete at home today to fill out your bingo board. You must pick an activity that corresponds with the color on your bingo board. Notice that activities in aqua are specialist activities. For the free space you may choose any activity from the list. When you complete an activity check it off on your list and your Bingo Board. Have fun!  

Day 2 Follow the same instructions above but choose activities you did not do on Day 1.

*Sing a song from the packets of music from Mr. McDonald
* Try and compose a piece of music
*Put on some music and dance. Get your heart rate up and check your heart rate
*Do a power workout in the snow; jumping jacks 20X, pushups 20X, air high fives 20X, bear crawl for 20 steps, crab walk for 20 steps, butt kicks 20X
* Do 10 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 skiers
*Find a food in your pantry or refrigerator with less than 100 calories per serving  (Check the nutrition facts label)
* Draw, paint, or sketch something inside or outside of your house
*Spell your favorite healthy snack by using your whole body to create the letter
*Build a snowman, use pieces of nature for eyes, nose, arms, etc.
*Help prepare a meal with your family. Try to hit all of the food groups.

  • Go onto Zearn,, Prodigy,  or IXL for 20 minutes
  • Design a snowflake
  • Organize the clothes in your drawer by color, sort your socks! Bring the extra clean ones to school for the dry erase board erasers
  • Add up the ages of the people in your family. Multiply that number by 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
  • Measure how much snow is in your yard
  • Play a board game with a family member

Science/Social Studies:

  • Log onto Mr. Nusbaum for some science
  • Check Mt Washington much snow did Mt. Washington get today? What is the all time record for snowfall this month?
  • Find the temperature at your house


*Create who what when where why how questions about your reading
*Opinion essay: which is better: a blizzard bag day or a day at school?
*Create a story. If you did it in docs, send it to your teacher
*Write and illustrate a poem
*Read a passage for fluency to your pet, your parent, your sibling. Read it again to yourself
*Read for 30 minutes with a flashlight under your covers
*Write a ‘How To’ step by step story on something you know how to do
*Create a Venn diagram comparing two things: you and your sister, your fave book and your fave movie, your dog and your cat, create your own idea.

*Make a list of 10 people who are important to you and tell what gift you would give each of them if you could. Be sure to tell why you chose that gift
*Create a blanket tent and read to your stuffy
*Organize these words: blurb, smoke, shine, wind, find, purple animals. Sort by syllables, blends, suffixes and create your own
*Practice your cursive


*Shovel a walkway or steps for someone
*Bake a treat for a neighbor
*Go through your books or toys and make a bag to donate to the library or someone else.
*What way can you think to help someone else?